Friday, November 14, 2014

So much more

It has been a long time since I just sat down and doodled or wrote something creative, just for the sake of putting words on paper.  Today is my Friday afternoon off and yes there are things that need to be done, so many things, but if I don't first take the time to express my heart and soul I just won't find meaning in anything else. 

This year has been hard, rough in many ways and it has taken its toll on me, but I would not change a single moment of it for anything better.  I have found so much meaning in every tragedy and every triumph and I know deep down in there is just so much more to life than I am currently experiencing and I so desperately want more.....I want so much more!

There are so many things that have happened this year that could have left me feeling angry and bitter at life but I am choosing not to go there.  I am choosing to allow each of these difficult circumstances to break chains of bondage that have held me back for so many years from achieving my dreams and goals. 

Now I have no more inhibitions!  I have found my core.  I know what I am capable of in life, love and in my career and I know that next year will be the year I break all barriers and limits and I am going to forge on in the direction I want my life to go in.  I will let nothing hold me back, not money, not race, not religion, not my marital status, not the car I drive or the home I live is indeed time to break free!

In the next 2-3 months I will gather my strength, I will plot my course and when the new year breaks I will be ready to take on the challenges that will most certainly face me. 

I am ready!