Sunday, August 12, 2012

Just chilling

Note: This article shares my personal convictions and political views and don't expect others to share my opinions.

The icy cold weather in SA over the last two weeks certainly has changed the way I look at the two words 'just chilling'. It was reported last week that it was the first time in known history that it has snowed in all 9 provinces in SA at the same time and we certainly felt that.

I suppose the biggest frustration for me is knowing that in nearly 20 years of democracy our government has shown little resolve in fixing the problems of the homeless and destitute with many still living in shacks and informal dwellings. This while millions of rands of government funding by tax payers is wasted through fraud and corruption.

Though I would certainly never join our current governing party myself as I don't share their political views, I certainly would have more respect for the party if it showed any real commitment to being a government for the people, by the people (To quote Abraham Lincoln). The world stands by and applauds that we now have democratic freedom in our country, but I have to dispute that view.

A balanced democracy would have a balance of power that forced the governing party to act in a manor that would benefit the majority of the population. This benefit should be best shown in the way we treat the poor and everything possible should be done to ensure that we provide adequate housing for all.

What is the purpose of having rigid building codes when faster, and cheaper building methods could be found that could possibly cost less and support recycling initiatives? In the tornado rife USA, wooden homes are a norm. Sure America has larger forestry supplies than SA but have you taken a drive through our forestry lands? We certainly have sufficient stock of wood to be used for better purposes than just paper and furniture.

Why are we not engaging the engineering skills of other countries as opposed to adopting a do it yourself strategy that is clearly failing the poor? What about using all the top notch university qualified brains that we do have at our disposal to find solutions to our dilemma.

When the 'housing boom' hit the country, why could foresight not be given into ensuring that all new homes were built with solar geysers? Surely if this was done we would not have seen the collapse of our electricity energy grid.

I think a drastic change of mindset is needed in our country. We have the means, opportunity and ability to address the issues of poverty, what we lack is the political will to make it happen. That being said, street riots, burning buildings and destroying government property is not the solution. Has no thought been given to the fact that if you break something, time and money needs to be spent first fixing what is broken before new money can be spent on new infrastructure?

If pen and paper were all it would take to fix the problem, I'd write until my fingers bled. I wish there were more I could do but for now, I suppose the only option I have is stand by my convictions and write about them and hopefully one day, when the sun shines on a reformed country we will see justice, peace and above all provision for all who live in our beautiful country.

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